You don't see a lot of Amish love stories hitting the bestsellers list, but you will be pleasantly surprised when you read Spring's Renewal, which is the next installment of Shelley Shepard Gray's Seasons of Sugarcreek series. (The first book is called Winter's Awakening).
Our Amish heroine, Clara was severely burned in a fire when she was five-years-old, leaving her feeling deformed and insecure. Her mother doesn't help matters, she tells Clara that she will never find a husband because of her scars, (thanks for the self esteem boost, Mom). In walks Tim Graber, only in town temporarily to help with a family farm, and has a fiance back home. Tim meets Clara, looks beyond her scars, and discovers what a beautiful person she is.
Gray created such a wonderful character in Clara. She has a personality that you would not expect from an Amish woman. Autumn's Promise will be coming out in August 2010, so you don't have to wait too long to learn more about this Amish world.