Monday, August 23, 2010

plane prayers.

I recently traveled to Europe this summer. By recently, I mean I returned about a week ago, so very recently. It was my first time on an international flight. I do not typically get nervous on planes, because I travel by air so often, but being on a plane for over eight hours at a time is rather nerve-wracking.

Okay, I can't lie to you and say I was actually nervous, because I wasn't. Not about the plane ride anyway. They had me all hooked up with TV/Movie on demand. But for those of you who DO get nervous traveling by plane, or traveling in general, I highly recommend Traveling Graces to ease your troubled minds.

Agnes Cunningham created a handy little book of prayers. There is a prayer for the take-off, one for the flight attendants and the cock pit. This book will make a lovely gift if you know someone who is traveling for the first time, there is a prayer specifically for them. If you get freaked out easily, or even if you handle planes rides perfectly fine, saying a little prayer will only make you and those around you, more relaxed.

So sit back and enjoy your flight.

your body is a wonderland.

We like women who are real. We like hearing the good, bad and ugly of their lives. Even better than that? A Christian woman who is real. Insert Margot Starbuck, author of the hilarious paperback, Unsqueezed. A book about accepting the body and the beauty that God gave you and letting go of society's (and your) obsession to be perfect.

I do believe that Christian women have a real difficulty with perfection. They want to be good influences on others, and they assume this means that they're lives and bodies need to appear to be perfect. Wrong. Non-Christians can relate in more ways to a woman who seems real; with relationships and a body that is realistic, rather than a woman who appears to have everything in place.

Margot's book revolves around our body issues. What are bodies for? They were not designed by God to be on the covers of magazines. She reiterates that our bodies were create to love and be loved, by a Heavenly Father who adored us enough to take on a human form - in all its glory and unglory. Think about it.

**To win a copy of this book e-mail your name, address and this book title to:!