Boy meets girl, boy marries girl, girl dies and her look-a-like returns to boy three years later. It may sound kind of crazy, but if this doesn't spark your interest, then you are simply uninteresting.
Forget Me Not, by Vicki Hinze is a suspenseful Christan fiction novel that will not disappoint. The boy is Benjamin Brandt, the girl - Susan, his wife who died three years ago. The look-a-like? She awakes in the woods, beaten from a car jacking with no memory. After she is found and taken to Crossroads Crisis Center she notices a picture of the founder, a woman, named Susan Brandt. I am assuming you know why I call her look-a-like; it's because she looks exactly like Susan - enough alike that she actually thinks that she actually IS Susan. But that's impossible, because Susan was murdered.
Who is this mysterious woman? What will Benjamin think when he meets her? You will devour these pages, and be left extremely satisfied. Promise.
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