Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Cell's Design: How Chemistry Reveals the Creator's Artistry by Fazale Rana

Well, those of you who would like to become 343242 times more intelligent by reading a book, pick this baby up! The approach is using an art comparison rather than just using irreducible complexity. It builds a foundation of many functions in a cell and it's reasoning on why it would consider intelligent design. It also covers new discoveries, which indeed have made intelligent design even stronger. Dr. Rana is an expert in his field and his ability to give a neutral assessment of the facts provides clarity for those unconvinced by the evolutionary viewpoint. Those who are assuming that a "God of gaps" approach dominates the book will be disappointed; facts and the most recent research build the case simply and elegantly that life is no accident. The Cell's Design doesn't force-feed the reader into a conclusion however and readers may walk away either agreeing or disagreeing with the idea of a Creator. It really opens your eyes, and an awesome read. I recommend it.

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